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Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts

Must read posts to help you excel in 2014

Even though new year resolutions have a terrible record in terms of success, there is still something about the new year's time that fills us up with optimism and makes us feel that "this time" all will go as per plan! And why not, a fresh start is one of the best things that can happen when the current situation is not going the way you want it to go. Sure, nothing in reality actually changes with the new year, and it is ultimately a matter of one's mental perception, however most great changes begin with the change in one's thought process. So do not be embarrassed or ashamed if you have not been able to keep your new year's resolution in the last 10 years. Atleast you are still trying to make something happen each time, when many others have given up hope.

Off day recovery workout (08.06.2024)

While some people get a massage on off days (which is a good idea), there are many who really enjoy a light recovery workout on an off day to feel better and to recover faster. Remember, that the more number of times you do a workout and feel pumped, and in charge, the better your hormonal profile is likely to be. On the other hand, if your workouts are making you excessively sore, too tired, basically too beat up in the following days, then you are overtraining, and are better off cutting back on your program.

So for those who are having some very productive workouts, some form of light workout on your off days is a good idea, to help recover, feel better, and get burn some extra calories. In my case, I try to workout 3-4 times a week, and when possible try to get an extra one or two recovery workouts in the week. These are generally bodyweight workouts with some kettebells and/or jump rope thrown in. Thus today being an "off day" for me, I decided to do a recovery workout. It was a basic circuit workout consisting of 3 exercises, in the following order:

Recovery technique for the lower legs this weekend

Okay so its Friday again (atleast here in India), and I hope that you worked out hard during the week. If you did then you deserve a well earned relaxation during the weekend to have a great time with your friends and family. However it is also to be kept in mind that the the next week's workouts are not far away. But, its weekend time, and for now you need some recovery to help build energy for the next week's workouts.

One very good way to recover is to get a good, relaxing massage. However unfortunately a good massage is not  cheap, and depending on where you get it done, it can cost a lot! So how about a cheap, affordable and most importantly effective massage right in your own home? Yes, I am talking about self massage, where you massage yourself. After all you know best which areas need maximum attention on your body. So for this we will use a small and affrodable object, the good old Tennis ball.

Recovery time with Sean Casey

Most athletes and even the weekend warrior often ignore a vital factor when it comes to optimizing their health and performance. That one factor is....recovery. You will often hear discussions about how much was lifted, how much fat was lost, etc but rarely will you hear about how many hours of sleep is ideal or what needs to be done to optimize recovery.

To discuss recovery methods, my friend Sean Casey is one of the best guys to go to. He spends a ton of his time doing research in the field of human performance and provides honest and efficient information via his website He also hosts a popular talk show ( that is based on strength training and fitness. So let us try to learn more about recovery from Sean.

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