Kolkata kettlebell meet 2014 was much bigger than what I had expected! While KKM 2013 was a great experience, and was the start, KKM 2014 took things to a much higher level. It had it all, hard competition, great performances, glamour, celebs, high energy levels and everything else that you want at a sporting event. Yes indeed, Saturday the 11th of January 2014 was a special day for kettlebell lovers in the city.
This year we decided to conduct KKM as a proper competition with first, second and third places rather than just an exhibition event with no winners like we did in 2013. The scoring system was simple, the number of reps would be multiplied by the coefficient of the kettlebell weight, and the result would be divided by the bodyweight of the lifter to get the final score. We had three main lifts, 1 arm clean and press, 1 arm press, and 1 arm snatch. To keep things simple, we allowed the participants to do a push press or jerk in the clean & press and press events. Overall we had 22 participants, which is more than double of what we had last year. There were 18 male and 4 female lifters.