Its weekend time, and going into the weekend I took some time to enjoy some strength training videos. Yep, thats one of my favorite pastimes. So thought of sharing some of the good ones for you to watch, so that you can return with more motivation to hit the weights harder next week. Enjoy!
600 pound Front Squat RAW 272.5 kg
Derek Poundstone World Record Axle 414lbs
Zydrunas Savickas on Hummer Tire Deadlift (1068 pounds)
Snatch 200 kg
Marius Pudzianowski training video
Bonus video
Had to share this one. It is supposed to be a collection of funny incidents while lifting weights. While I did not find every incident to be funny due to the damage the trainees suffered in some, there were some incidents which were indeed funny. Check it out