Thursday, January 26, 2024

5 pro wrestler's training videos to motivate you

Back when I was a teenager, WWE wrestlers used to be my biggest heroes. In those days MMA was not that big, and it was one of the only sport/sports entertainment show in which you could see a 270 pound big guy displaying great athleticism. I mean in those days you either had a 270 pound bodybuilder who had almost zero athleticism or you had those scrawny 150 pound martial artists who had no real muscular size. Thus to watch a 260 pounds HHH jump and kick was a real motivation for a well rounded training program. Of course now you have big MMA guys who are very athletic too.

Nowadays I very rarely watch WWE, but I still love to watch the training videos of some of the stars. These videos feature guys who were top names when I used to watch it, but surely are still inspirations to many:

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