Friday, January 4, 2024
Try kettlebell sport training for great results
19th January is the date that has been set for the Kolkata Kettlebell Meet, which is possibly India's first ever kettlebell contest/meet. As someone who has been enjoying training with kettlebells for a little over 2 years now, I really feel that a majority of trainees around the country too would benefit by adding this tool in their training programs. This was my motivation to put together this event, and I was very lucky to get the support and help of one of India's top strength and conditioning coaches, Ranadeep Moitra, and thus could put together this event. The venue is Ranadeep's Endorphins studio at the Calcutta Rowing Club. For more details click on this link. And even if you cannot make it, please do help the event by sharing information about it with your friends and family. Thanks in advance.
Now if you have been doing general fitness type workouts with kettlebells, then in my opinion you should give the sport style of training a try. It will test and challenge your technique and fitness levels like nothing else. To know more about the kettlebell sport style of training click on the link below:
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Fat loss
Kettlebell training